Love has always been, and always will be, a powerful and strong emotion. It is a force on this earth, something we all crave. Though some believe that beauty is a key element within this emotion, it is known that beauty is only skin deep, and as they often say, love is blind. "The Lover's", Rene Magritte skillfully utilizes contrastingly dulled colors and stark, striking symbolism to bring forth the concept of love as a blind and pulling force within us all.
The dulled colors throughout the painting provide a deeper look into the concept portrayed. The colors of the painting are dulled down and pulled back, drawing the focus away from them. This further brings out the idea that love is blind and beauty is not necessary to feel such a strong emotion. Even though the colors of the painting are dull they still bring out beauty within it. Bright colors are not necessary to have a fantastic paiting, much like beauty is not necessary to having a loving relationship.
The symbolism within the painting also further shows that love is blind. Each of the lovers is hooded; they have a thick bag covering each of their faces. And though they are cloaked from each other, they still have the passion to kiss one another, they still have that electrifying connection between them, though their faces are shrouded. This love is blind, they cannot see one another, but they know what they feel, and beauty has nothing to do with any of it. They are able to look past what is before them and see the one they love for who they are, exactly that, their love. All love should be this strong and powerful, all love should be blind and fulfilling.
Rene Magritte's painting portrays the concept of blind love through its symbolism and coloring, bringing forth such a powerful emotion in all of us and proving that beauty does not matter, it is only skin deep. Love triumphs over all and needs to be seen that way.