1) "One fairer than my love? The all-seeing sun
Ne'er saw her match since first the world begun."
- William Shakespeare,
Romeo and Juliet, 1.22)"I
am generations of
Our bodies battlefields, war zones
beneath the weapons of your brothers hands
Do you know they found land mines in broken womens souls?
Black holes in the parts of their hearts
that used to sing symphonies of creation
bright as the light on infinities halo
She says
I remember the way Love
used to glow like glitter on my skin
before he made his way in
now every touch feels like a son
that could crucify Madusa
Kali, Oshun, Mary"
Andrea Gibson - "Blue Blanket"
3) "I was worn out, broken: He had taken almost everything. But he'd been all I'd had, all this time. And when the police led him away, I pulled out of the hands of all these loved one, sobbing, screaming, everything hurting, to try and make him stay."
— Sarah Dessen -
Dreamland4) "You
are the music of two grasshoppers
making love in a school yard
where four-year-olds ask me,
what are the grasshoppers doing?
and I tell them they're dancing to the music of
are the gaps in my ribcage
where the sunrise winds through to my heart and
are the part of the sunset that is so pink
the grasshoppers think maybe we should stop and watch
are the moon when it bloomed for the first time
and a child inspired unwound the lid of a jar
that set ten-thousand grasshoppers free and
drive me f**king crazy.
I mean insanely.
You make me wanna take a fork to my eyeballs,
rip the hair from my armpits
and shove it down my throat
'cause I would rather choke
than argue another minute with you
but you are so
And smart.
You know so many words.
You're every poem I would write
if ink could ever hold the light
that glows from your toes when you're climbing up trees.
Girl, I swear ya got sap running thick in your veins
and I never love you more
than when you're mouring the death of raindrops
falling forsaken on pavement.
God, I love how you hate pavement.
But you make me wanna smash my skull on pavement.
It's true.
When we argue you make me wanna rip off my nose,
bone and all like my uncle Billy used to pretend to do.
He'd say, "Girl, I'm gonna rip off yer nose!"
Then he'd tug at my face
and hold up half his thumb
and half the time he'd fool me and I'd start crying.
But I'm older now and I'm not lying
you make me wanna rip off my nose.
Except when you don't.
Sometimes you make me wish I had an extra nose
only to smell your hair,
because I love how your hair smells like... hair.
I always hated the smell of shampoo,
I love you.
It's true.
The way you pretend to chew gum when you're nervous.
The way you stick out your tongue
when you look in the mirror
'cause you think your face is shaped better that way.
And I love the way you pray
and I love the way you chew
and use chopsticks like you're from Japan.
God, you're a woman of culture.
I wanna eat you like a... not a vulture
a swan.
I wanna eat you like swans eat flowers.
Baby, if swans ever ate flowers
I would eat you like that for hours.
Except when you're sour
and acting like a self-righteous grumpy old grump
like ya do sometimes,
'cause those times
you make me wanna run to the edge of the f**king world
and hurl myself into a black f**king hole
and never come back ever.
And then there are the times I wanna
be with you forever and follow you forever
wherever you go
if only for the freckle in the middle of your belly
that's just like mine,
or the time you corrected me for saying man
instead of human kind.
I can't believe I did that.
Do you know how much I love your boobs?
Almost as much as I love how
you hate that I call breasts boobs
and say you're tired of dating a 12-year-old boy,
but god, your boobs bring me joy.
Though I could live forever between the lines of your teeth
and eat nothing but memory and purge myself clean.
You are a dream.
We are a nightmare sometimes.
But if you wake up terrified
I'll be there to hold you,
fold you in the pockets of my faith
and say, "We'll be ok." "
"Love Poem" - Andrea Gibson (I posted this whole poem because I felt it displayed its themes better as a whole than any part of it could)
5) "It was generally evident whenever they met, that he did admire her and to her it was equally evident that Jane was yielding to the preference which she had begun to entertain for him from the first, and was in a way to be very much in love; but she considered with pleasure that it was not likely to be discovered by the world in general, since Jane united, with great strength of feeling, a composure of temper and a uniform cheerfulness of manner which would guard her from the suspicions of the impertinent. She mentioned this to her friend Miss Lucas."
Jane Austen -
Pride and Prejudice