Winter Rain by Claudiasutton
I never liked the rain until I walked through it with you.
And in the middle of the gray day, when the clouds looked like they would never part, you held my hand as we walked through the rain. You dragged me through every puddle, forcing my legs to skip as we hit the water, and suddenly, it didn’t seem so bad. It didn’t seem so bad as the water shot up, water coming in both directions, small rainbows dancing by our feet as the clouds parted slowly. The water fell from the sky and onto our faces; a wide grin played on your lips as you leaned forward, and I realized right there that the rain was something to cherish forever.
I never liked dancing until I danced with you.
And in the middle of all the spinning and tripping over my feet I felt the inkling of love for the way you caught me before I hit the floor. How your arms wrapped around me, a promise to never let me hit the bottom. The way when you picked me up you made it seem like my fall was intended, and swept me off my feet again. In the middle of all the flushed cheeks, and stuttered words, you made me love to move my feet, as long as yours were there to guide me.
I never liked being sick until I was sick with you.
And in the middle of the all the pain and fear, I felt your arms wrap around me, and your hands gently coax me to sleep. I felt your body meld to mine, clutching me close no matter how many times I told you not to come close for fear of making you ill. I heard your sweet words enter my ears as I twisted in my blankets, trying to find a position to fall asleep in the wretched hours of the morning, and they made me think that maybe everything would be alright, as long as I had such a loving person by my side to help me through it all.
I never liked falling in love until I fell in love with you.
And in the middle of all the twists and turns of falling for you, I was always afraid of the end, the final drop that left me where I started. Yet, once I finished falling, and actually found all of the love I had for you, I knew that you were different; that my love with you would never take that final plunge that seemed to haunt me wherever I went. And I finally realized that I would endlessly fall in love with someone, as long as that someone was you.
I never liked living until I lived with you.
And in the middle of falling for you I realized that I loved more than just loving you, I loved living with you; every moment that we were together was a moment to remember. That just waking up and knowing that I would be able to be with you during my day was enough to make me love being alive. I finally came to know that all along I had been cursing myself for not knowing what I was living for, and maybe never would, until you walked into my life and I knew that it was you all along, and that living would be the greatest journey, as long as I got to journey with you.
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